The WCC Framework: A Practical Guide to Outcomes Measurement for Programs Serving Youth and Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness.  


Download the WCC Outcomes Framework Here

This guide is the product of The West Coast Convening (WCC), a biannual meeting of service providers, advocates, researchers, and government partners from California, Oregon, and Washington, who are interested in the issue of youth homelessness. Participants of the WCC agreed that there is a dearth of available practical guidance in the area of outcomes measurement for providers working in the field. To address that gap, the WCC Outcomes Workgroup was convened to work towards the goal of creating a framework that could be utilized by providers and their stakeholders to facilitate results-driven care, data sharing, and cross-agency analysis. This attached report is the result of those efforts. Please support our desire to promote systems change in this area by disseminating this report electronically within your networks and printing and distributing at will.